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Archifon IV. – interactive AV installation for public by Floex & Initi at SONICA FEST, Glasgow

Archifon created by musical composer Tomáš Dvořák (floex.cz) and visual artist Dan Gregor (initi.org) is a large and interactive virtual musical instrument controlled with laser pointers. Architectonical objects are re-interpreted by virtual visual elements via projection and sound. This is made possible by the mapping of the virtual surface of the architecture. Up to twenty visitors at a time can interact with Archifon by using the laser pointers.

Concept, audio, Max/MSP programming by Tomaš Dvořák – Floex ( floex.cz )
Concept, visuals, interactivity by Dan Gregor – ( initi.org )
Programming by Ondřej Průcha – ( initi.org )


Magical interactive installation Archifon IV (*****), however, made for a spectacular conclusion to the festival’s eclectic offerings. Czech-based Tomáš Dvořák and Dan Gregor (otherwise known as Floex and Initi) had transformed the chancel of Glasgow University’s Memorial Chapel into a giant electronic musical instrument, with columns as gigantic faders, statues providing angelic voices, and arches, stone slabs and more offering skittering tones, its dense digital animations and throbbing sounds brought alive by laser pointers.

It was as entrancing as it was playful, but far more than simply a plaything. It was the sheer inventiveness and richness of the work’s hundreds of constituent elements, and the subtle interactions between sounds and animations, that made it really special, so that a trio of users could join together to create something truly musical from its teeming details. An absolute delight.

By David Kettle

Read more at: scotsman.com/lifestyle/culture/music/festival-review-sonica-various-venues-glasgow-1-4606813

Other editions:
Archifon IV. https://youtu.be/L8v4Tqz93-M
Archifon V. https://youtu.be/W_mBoRTo2_4
Archifon III. http://www.initi.org/workss/archifon-ii-at-ars-electronica-linz/ (outdoor edition)
Archifon II. https://youtu.be/ScaNG7rI9ew
Archifon I. https://youtu.be/5BJeHsQzJMc

By: |January 26, 2018|Categories: . |